The genetic profiles that everybody should have

Covered by Helsana Primeo Insurance

Cypass® and Extended Cypass® are innovative genetic tests that evaluate overall risk of adverse drug events. They integrate patient’s abilities to activate and eliminate drugs with drug-drug interactions simultaneously, thus allowing selecting for safer and more effective drug regimens that can improve drug treatment outcomes and reduce or avoid adverse drug reactions.

Swiss Federal Office for Public Health estimates that 40’000-45’000 hopitalizations per year in Switzerland can be attributed to adverse drug effects. International publications refer that almost one third of hospitalizations can be related to side effects of drugs. A considerable portion of these effects can be avoided through personalisation of drug treatments.

Cypass® is an innovative genetic test that evaluates overall risk of adverse drug events. It includes anaylsis of 97 clinically relevant genetic variants that may influence drug metabolism (the activation, transport and elimination of drugs). In addition, the test results integrate individual’s abilities to activate and eliminate drugs with drug-drug interactions, thus allowing to select for safer and more effective drug regimens that can improve drug treatment outcomes and help to reduce costs for the health-care system.

Extended Cypass® is the most comprehensive genetic test to evaluate risk of adverse drug effects. It is an analysis of over 120 genetic variants in genes encoding principal drug metabolizing pathways; in depth analysis that evaluates overall risk of adverse drug effects, including anti-cancer drugs.

Cypass® and Extended Cypass® are genetic tests and need to be done only once in the life of the patient; they are non-invasive, a simple buccal swab is needed for these analysis.

Extended Cypass®

Starting from November 1st, 2016, Cypass® is reimbursed by supplementary healthcare cover PRIMEO from Helsana, for all patients that use drugs regularly and have subscribed to the supplementary insurance PRIMEO. Cypass®-Extended test is reimbursed by the same complemetary insurance from January 1st, 2018. Further information for Helsana’s patients: